Community Participation in Solid Waste Management and Obstacle in Jakarta


Effective waste disposal management can simplify the process of turning waste into energy or the realization of the Waste-To-Energy (WTE) concept. But the problem is, the management of solid waste disposal in Jakarta has not been effective so that it often impedes the WTE process. In fact, if WTE is achieved, Indonesia can have renewable energy sources that are renewable, and the risk of damaging the environment is not too significant. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate further the causes of ineffective solid waste management created by the government and solutions that can be done to improve the situation. In this paper, we try to outline the importance of effective solid waste management, the condition of waste in Jakarta, obstacles to realizing effective solid waste management and solutions that can be taken to achieve effective solid waste management. The four elaborations show that the failure of solid waste management is often caused by the government's inability to control people's behavior. Therefore, it is essential for the government to increase community participation in protecting the environment by empowering the community. With excellent community empowerment, the community will be triggered to participate in sorting waste and disposing it into the right place. So, solid waste management in Jakarta can be implemented well
