Comparative Investigation of Applying Transformational Leadership in Jordanian and American Financial Institutions


As the main objective of the study is to measure the differences between Jordanian and American financial institutions in applying transformational leadership, some hypotheses were tested in this regard with respect to some personal and organizational characteristics. A sample of Jordanian and American financial institutions were selected, and findings of the study were as follows: Leaders in the Jordanian financial institutions are considered untransformational, while the Americans are considered transformational. Leaders in the Jordanian financial institution were viewed differently by their Subordinates while the Americans are not. Size of the financial institution and productivity play a noticeable role in the attitudes of employees toward their leaders in the Jordanian institutions while it's not in the American. Also, with regard to the rest of the personal variables, it was found that there is a positive relationship between them and Jordanian employee's attitude toward the style of leadership of their leaders, and not to be found among the American employees. Based on the previous findings, some recommendations have to be recognized as Follows: Jordanian leaders have to be more transformational, involve the newly assigned employees in the decision making process, to consider the importance of training in transformational leadership and to initiate a training institution through the body of the Jordanian Banking societies.