Competitiveness of the Region in the Global Economy


The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the level of competitiveness in the global economy. A new approach to building a methodology for assessing competitiveness is described.The methodology is based on the formulated basic properties necessary for gaining a leading position in the economic sphere: the economic power of the region; the rate at which the region acquires the necessary properties and the speed of adaptation to changes in the internal and external environment of the region; the ability to adapt to existing circumstances to ensure that the parameters of the regional socio-economic system match the conditions of real competition; the ability to provide higher achievements compared to competitors which are demonstrated in various fields and industries reflecting the rule of the winner's competition: «higher than those of competitors». The methodical approaches to the determination of the regional competitiveness index consistent with the global competitiveness index of the World Economic Forum are revealed. The results of this study have a high degree of relevance on the part of regional authorities and management in the development of a regional development strategy and tactical decisions. The methodology described in the article for constructing a regional competitiveness rating will allow to proceed to analytical procedures for identifying the strength and nature of the influence of individual factors and properties on the competitiveness of a region. The results of this research will create the prerequisites for the development of economic solutions for the formation of competitive advantages and competitiveness of the region. Potential investors will get an idea of the competitiveness of individual regions of the country which will contribute to the formation of an investment decision with reduced risks. The results of the analysis of the competitive position of the region and the reasons for lagging behind other regions in the competitive struggle are the basis for regional authorities making decisions about what actions to take to enhance existing competitive advantages and create new competitive advantages. In the end, the result of the implementation of such management decisions is to increase the level of socio-economic development of the region, raising the standard of living of the population of the region. The article presents the original methodology created by the authors of the article and published the results of the regional competitiveness index calculations performed by the authors which are determined from 123 indicators grouped into three subindices (each of them characterizes the main factors of regional competitiveness) and four subindices (each of them characterizes competitiveness properties of the region) based on statistical information, 85 regions of Russia are presented.