Computer Simulations in Lean World


The world we live in is changing. Daily we see dynamic changes all around us, customers requirements alter, new products keep coming in, awareness improves, competition increases. This all brings increasing demands on companies to satisfy their customers. And not only on companies, but on any individual, as a part of a company and of the entire economy. Who is unable to adapt, is usually unable to withstand competitive pressures for a long time. It is necessary to keep searching new solutions to make functions more effective and to become more competitive. When designing the systems to help meet their customers’ requirements, the companies should place emphasis on lows costs, short delivery times, high variability of supply and the flexibility and reliability of the system. At the time of getting lean there often occurs reduction of companies, which try to focus only on the activities that they have the best preconditions for and cancel less effective activities; what sees a  boom is outsourcing of services, purchase of semi-finished products from contractors instead of its production etc.