Concept Design of Strategic Management for Non – profit Organization in Slovakia


The mission of non–profit sector is fulfilling tangible and intangible needs of society, that state and business sector is not able to, or cannot fulfil. It points out problems in society, which are important for society-wide changes. The mission of tertiary sector is perceived from multiple views. Economists perceive tertiary sector as an institutional solution to deficiencies in state and market, political scientists rather emphasize the mediatorial function of tertiary sector between state and market and neo-corporatist theories perceive tertiary sector as a border between state and society that relieves tension and political conflicts. Tertiary sector has an irreplaceable function in every state. The actual functioning of non-profit organisations suggests that their function in market will be long-lasting. Only then can they fulfil their purpose in society. For this very reason, we focused our efforts on strategic management of these companies and based on interviews with managers of selected non-profit organisations, we have devised a concept design of strategic management for non-profit organisations.