Concept for a System to Evaluate the Innovative Capacity of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


The aim of the article is to present the concept of evaluation of innovative capacity of an enterprise and to present the results of empirical research, i.e. to determine the degree of innovative capacity of two enterprises of the SME sector. The main problem presented in the article is to identify the innovation capability gap, which is the difference between the desired and the possessed innovation potential of an enterprise. A set of key determinants of innovative capability, constituting the basis for a system of evaluation of this capability, has been identified during two-phase own research. In the case described in this article, 13 evaluation criteria were adopted, to which appropriate weights and evaluation scales were assigned, and then a model for the evaluation of an enterprise's innovative capability was presented. In the empirical part of the article, the concept of innovative capability was verified and the results of empirical research was presented in the Charter of innovative capability of enterprises. A sequence of actions aimed at bridging the innovation potential gap and stimulating the course of innovation processes in the surveyed SMEs was given.