Conceptual Model for Adoption of ICT in Jordanian Higher Education Institutions


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays an important role in modern institutions by facilitating and improving the teaching and learning process to accompany the information age. In striving towards a competitive institution, a university or any higher education institutions must enhance teaching and training process related to the advancement of ICT and the innovations technologies. Hence, universities in developing countries as well as in developed countries attempt to move in parallel with the rapid advancements of ICT by increasing the adoption of ICT as tools to develop and improve the teaching and learning process and to become more flexible by reducing some difficulties in the education process. With these concerns, and the importance of ICT in Jordanian higher education sector, this study intends to focus on the adoption of ICT in Jordanian public universities among the teaching staffs with the focus on the factors influencing the adoption of ICT in their teaching and learning process, and building a suitable model to the Jordanian case according to the results of factor analysis.

A self-administrated survey was conducted on 500 academic staffs, selected from public higher education institutions in Jordan. About 415 participants (83%) have responded, and series of data analyses of variables measurement for reliability and validity test of predictors were performed. The results of the analysis, however, contribute a new model which is considered as a novel model in such studies.