Conclusions of the Study Regarding the Strategic Management within Education Organizations from South Muntenia Regions and South – West Oltenia


This paper aims to  highlight a series of particularities of strategic management processes in schools in South Muntenia and South-West Oltenia regions. The statistical survey conducted at the level of the target group was based on a questionnaire structured in two parts: the first part was intended to obtain information necessary to characterize the group of subjects investigated, while the questions in the second part of the questionnaire had as main purpose to obtain specialized information on the training needs of beneficiaries in strategic management. Although tempted to consider that each education unit has a clear vision on its position in the future, the study gave us the opportunity to bring yet another argument according to which at the level of some of the education units in Olt and Teleorman counties there are either no development strategies in place, or, in the cases where these exist, they are insufficiently substantiated.