Conditions of Effective Functioning of Agricultural Enterprises


Condition of increase of efficiency of work of agricultural enterprises is the formation of rational industrial structure. The analysis of the changes in recent years in the structure of agricultural production of the region and individual businesses allowed to identify some shortcomings and mistakes of managers and specialists of enterprises in the justification of the structure of production. Significant influence on the formation of the production structure and the efficiency of its functioning have internal conditions of availability of production resources, climatic factors, selected development strategy. Increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production through rational use of industrial potential of the enterprises on the basis of construction of optimal organizational and economic mechanism of management, the use of economic methods of management. Diversified agriculture focused on the desire to reduce operational and commercial risk. Analysis of changes in the structure of production by agricultural enterprises has revealed shortcomings, which include: an unacceptable reduction in livestock industries, the violation of research-based recommendations, inefficient selection of crops, uniformity of the range of products, the orientation of most farms production of agricultural raw materials.