Conflict as Essential Part of the Democratic Political Process


In this paper was analyzed the importance of conflicts in conditions of a democratic political order. The authors attribute the phenomenon of democracy to the category of eternal topics, since there is a permanent contradiction between the real democracy and the ideal democracy. The authors claim that the formation of any state a priori is accompanied by political processes of a high level of inconsistency and conflict. The level of concentration of the conflict in the political sphere far exceeds competition in other spheres, since the power is coveted prize for conflicting parties in politics. The functioning of a democratic state is not an exception. We suppose that the institutionalization of political conflicts, as a strategy for managing political conflicts, is a distinctive feature and one of the most important conditions for the democratization of a state. The institutionalization of bolitical conflicts is based on the recognition of regulated legitimacy conflicts ("rules of the game" and norms of conflict behavior).