Congruence of Personal and Organizational Values: Structuring Components of the Phenomenon


The Problem of the research is in the point that the following questions still need to be answered: how to purify the definitions of personal and organizational values to properly disclose their characteristics? What is the dynamics of values in organizations and how to ensure congruence (sharing) of different value forms? How to verify the conceptual essence of personal and organizational value congruence while structuring the components of the phenomenon? Main findings of this research reveal that organizational values can take different forms depending on how they manifest themselves in activities, however, the following basic forms of values are possible: espoused, attributed, aspirational, core and shared. Perceiving different types of values and their manifestation would be helpful to leaders in understanding how to identify causes of the gap between employee personal values and organizational values and take targeted action to ensure value congruence in organizations. Organizational values, as a management mechanism, are increasingly applied in practice, the purpose for this being to educate and ensure harmonious behaviours of organization members. Congruence of personal and organizational values occurs when employee personal values are congruent with organizational values, and support given to it by the leadership is extremely important and, of course, values must be acceptable to employees of organizations. Harmonization of employee values ensures their targeted and desired behaviours and determines success of organization performance.