Constitutional Economics: Importance for Modern Russia


The object of study of constitutional economics is the processes of the influence of economic relations on the stability of constitutional equilibrium in a separate state. For the Russian Federation, the goals of constitutional economics as an interdisciplinary scientific knowledge are: the study of constitutional values ​​reflected in the economic sphere; identification of adequate mechanisms for their implementation; determination of the long-term economic strategy of the Russian state and the principles of its implementation. The article examines the role and importance of the institution of constitutional economics for modern Russia. The authors highlighted the constitutional norms that lay the foundations for the country's democratic economic development, as well as the norms of previous Russian constitutions in authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes that govern the economic structure of the state. To implement the main provisions of the theory of constitutional economics, the use of existing legal forms and procedures is justified, taking into account additional elaboration of mechanisms for their effectiveness: public hearings; monitoring; expert committee. The problem of the role of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the search, provision and maintenance of an optimal balance between private and public values ​​is posed. In order to ensure work on the development of criteria for the effectiveness of the economy and its individual directions, the authors propose to pay legal and political attention to the parliamentary financial control body, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The article is a continuation of the study “Constitutional Economics and the Stability of Economic Relations”, published at the 32nd IBIMA Conference.