Construction of a Common Concept for Forming Strategic Alliance in the Field of It Services


Prospects for developing competitive relations in the modern economic space are diverse. Competitive struggle based on partnership in order to gain an additional competitive advantage seems to be much more effective than independent efforts of an individual economic entity. In this regard, it is increasingly urgent to study trends and conditions of forming strategic alliances of economic entities in a variety of modern markets.

Over the past two decades, competitive conditions for the development of enterprises in the service sector have changed in many ways, in particular, due to individualization of needs of legal entities and individuals, and the growth of competition. In addition, service sector enterprises (due to its peculiarities) can achieve sustainable financial and economic results only via building long-term relationships with their partners. The techniques and directions of forming partnerships are determined by the ratio of market and government regulators.

This is especially evident in the processes of providing IT services, which, in fact, represent the circulation of intellectual property, expressed in software products and technological solutions for combination of high-tech products, which are components of the modern information technology market.