Contact Personnel Assessment As A Prerequisite For Introduction Of Internal Marketing System


It is substantiated that the key competence of the contact personnel of the enterprises of the service sector is its focus on customer. In order to determine and assess the role of contact personnel in meeting the needs of consumers and achieving the company's marketing goals, it is proposed to systematize the set of approaches, methods, techniques and procedures that will be applied at various stages of work with such personnel. To achieve a specific goal, it is proposed to identify and analyze four stages of relationships building between the company's top management and contact personnel: recruitment of contact personnel as a prerequisite for the introduction of the internal marketing system; development of the basic principles of a partnership relations building by enterprise top management with contact personnel; development of a competence model of contact personnel with the determination of personal, professional and business qualities for maximum satisfaction of the needs and demands of service consumers; development of methodological approaches to the contact personnel competence assessment in the formation of a brand strategy and the achievement of the marketing goals of the enterprise.