Content Analysis of Information on Sustainability in Annual Reports of the Largest Czech and Slovak Companies


This paper aims to present the results of original empirical research in the area of sustainability reporting. The paper provides a quantitative content analysis of annual reports of 40 Czech and 40 Slovak largest companies. The companies in the Czech sample are larger, but the mean amount of total disclosure (measured in a number of words) is higher in the Slovak sample. Czech and Slovak annual reports are similar regarding the amount of disclosure on individual sustainability topics. It is possible to summarize that for dependent variables “total disclosure”, “economic disclosure”, “environmental disclosure”, and “social disclosure” Mann-Whitney non-parametric test confirmed the statistically significant difference between the group of companies reporting in accordance with IAS/IFRS and the group of companies reporting in accordance with national standards. Statistically significant difference exists also between Czech and Slovak companies. These findings support the hypothesis that implementation of IAS/IFRS is connected with the higher quality of reporting on sustainability issues.