The issues of broadly defined competitiveness across the classic, commercial and market domain already have a very long history reflected in the scientific thought and developed in a very extensive source literature [Porter 1990, p. 73-93; Porter 1992; Blume 2006, p. 321-333; Łaźniewska and others 2012, p. 19-42; Westlund and others 2014, p. 974-994]. Whereas the competitiveness and the competition of local governments [ LARRAÍN and others 2019, p. 127-167; Hernández-Castorena and others 2019, p. 19-31; Chamon and others 2019, p. 926949; Aparicio and others 2017, p. 878-88; Lengyel and others 2017, p. 1416-1434; Djeri and others 2018, p. 811-826; Benton and others 2007, p. 968-983] in particular their modern, more adequate form which should constitute more partner-based coopetition [Goczoł 2016, p. 251260; Bartkowiak, Koszel 2016, p. 11-24; Jaźwiński, Kiernożycka-Sobejko 2006, p. 609-620; Stentoft Jan and others 2018, p. 1084-1094] is a relatively new issue representing some sort of research gap.