Corporate Social Responsibility in Health Industry: A Quantitative Approach regarding Pharmacy Chains


The purpose of this research is to identify what cause-related marketing is the most adequate for pharmacy chains in Romania. Nowadays health is a priority and one of the most profitable industries around the world. Pharmacy chains became a great actor providing the means to communicate with clients, therefore we chose to analyse in depth how corporate social responsibility (CSR) contributes to the clients’ perception regarding health sector. The theoretical framework of CSR and its importance in health industry is presented in the first part of this article. In the second part of the article is presented a brief analysis of the values and mission of the main pharmacy chains, in order to establish the connection with the cause-related marketing chosen to support. The third part of the article is a quantitative marketing research regarding romanians’ perception about CSR campaigns of pharmacy chains, implications and recommendations. The results of the study show that although there are some of the cause-related marketing supported until now in accordance with values and mission and clients appreciate them, a piece of research is needed in order to identify cause related marketing adequate for health sector.