Corrective Activities on the Facility of the Local Sewage Treatment Plant as a Manifestation of Corporate Social Responsibility


The analyzed case of a sewage treatment plant located in Przeginia Duchowna shows that the company undertakes actions in line with the principles of corporate social responsibility and implements a consistent with them long-term strategy. The main area where a change in the company's operating strategy can be observed is taking into account the requirements of external stakeholders and application of the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection.

The paper presents the effectiveness assesment results of actions taken by the enterprise to reduce the nuisance generated by the local sewage treatment plant for residents. For this purpose, two series of sensory olfactometric tests were performed, which allowed for an objective measurement of the change in the generated odor nuisance level. The first series of tests was carried out in 2019, prior to the commencement of the modernization works in the facility, while the second series of tests was carried out in 2021 after their completion. During the research, the odor concentration was measured using the NasalRanger field olfactometer and the hedonic quality of the odors was assessed.

The presented research results indicate that the implemented modernization activities significantly reduced the level of odor nuisance generated for the local residents, and also reduced environmental pollution by improving the quality of wastewater treatment.

Thanks to the inclusion of the corporate social responsibility elements in the long-term development strategy, the company took into account the expectations of local stakeholders and implemented corrective activities, which, although not completely eliminated the odor nuisance, significantly reduced its level for local residents.
