Cost-Based Budgeting – A Relevant Instrument for the Improvement of Mining Companies’ Performances


The present paper highlights the importance of turning the action programme of the mining companies into monetary units, since these companies are currently facing a major problem in maintaining a balance between their expenses and incomes, namely the expenses for obtaining their production go significantly over the level of their incomes coming from the selling of their production. Starting from the level of the research in the literature on cost-based budgeting in the mining companies, this study tries to prove the need to opt for a cost-based budgeting in the coal mining companies as a means of managerial control, based on the example of the mining companies of Valea Jiului. The applicative study relied on field research and proved the viability of organizing the managerial accounting of the Romanian mining companies so as to improve their performances. We conclude by emphasizing the importance of extending the successful implementation of the cost-based budgets to the mining companies on the national level.