Cost-Optimal Methodology For Kazakhstan’s Energy Efficiency Projects


Abstract. Today, the energy intensity of Kazakhstan’s industry is 4–5 times higher than in European countries. On average, residential buildings in Kazakhstan consume three times more energy per unit area than in the Nordic countries. Comprehensive Energy Efficiency Plan was developed and adopted to reduce the energy intensity of Kazakhstan’s GDP by 40% by 2020. The implementation of this plan will allow to obtain positive changes in this area and to obtain additional benefits and benefits in the form of financial resources due to more efficient use of energy in industry. The potential is comparable to the increase in the production of all primary energy resources and is estimated at 20-30% reduction in energy demand. The cost-optimal methodology introduces the prerequisite to consider the global lifetime costs of buildings to shape their future energy performance requirements. Thus, the evaluation of buildings’ requirements will be related to the investment costs, and additionally take into account the operational, maintenance, disposal and energy saving costs of buildings. This article discusses the possibilities for improving the energy efficiency of buildings through the use of cost-optimal methodology for Kazakhstan’s energy efficiency projects for buildings.