Creating Types of Innovation by Modern Enterprises – Selected Research Results


The article is devoted to the analysis of types of innovations created by modern enterprises. The first part of the article includes selected theoretical aspects relating to the concept of innovation and types of innovation defined in the literature. Around the various definitions and concepts of innovation, the most common definitions of innovation appearing in the literature are indicated. Although the issue of innovations and types of innovations are areas of research interest for both scientists and practitioners, a research gap in identifying types of innovations created by modern enterprises has been noticed. This area became the leading theme of the empirical study presented in the second part of the article. The aim of the study was to identify the types of innovations created by modern enterprises. For this purpose, innovations were divided, according to their typology, adopted in the literature into: product, technological, market, organizational. The field of research interest was not only social innovations related to changes in motivational techniques. Two key research questions were posed: What types of innovations do enterprises implement most often? What is the scope of innovations implemented by modern enterprises? Key results from the study are presented in the second part of the article.