Creative Entrepreneurship and Urban Vitality as Key Determinants for a Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Development


The main paper’s objective is to highlight the necessity to implement the topic of creative economy and knowledge-based society in Romania. It regards mostly the creative communities and urban economics & policies. The paper is aimed at describing the state of creative communities & creative cities in Romania. The term of creative communities is widely used in the context of the knowledge-based society & creative economy. Its importance to sustainable development, wealth and prosperity is recognised mostly due to the amplified crisis effects. In the context of the global crisis the creative communities and the creative industries have moved to the mainstream. The creative communities are considered to be smart and flexible. Mostly among the borders areas creative communities are supporting also intercultural dialogue and thus they are called also intercultural communities/cities. Neighbourhood communities such as intercultural city communities and mostly areas near borders (where diversity and multicultural environment can allow more space for diversity management) are considered to be quite relevant within this framework. As highlighted in previous work (Suciu, M. C., 2009) we consider that this topic is also relevant for Romania taking into account the fact that our country has old traditions in cooperation and partnership relations mostly within the areas near the borders. City-regions and urban policies need a more relational understanding about internal and external dynamics. Hence there is a need for a relational, constructivist understanding of space.