Creative Tourism as a Dynamizer of Authenticity of Traditions and Local Culture: Option for Leisure and Tourism Experience for Teachers?


The tourism sector is constantly developing, seeking to keep up with demanding customer profiles that seek to creatively experience innovative market possibilities. Through these changes, the local communities see in their culture and traditions a tourist attraction that allows tourists to live authentic cultural experiences and unique local products. Creative tourism, a distinctive tourism niche, offers visitors the opportunity to develop their creative potential, through more active and immersive experiences, where they don't feel like mere spectators, but co-creators of situations and moments. Creative tourism intends to move away from the idea of ​​massification and invest in more personalized products, which meet the tourist and contact with the community where he finds himself. The main objective of this study is to identify whether creative tourism as a driver for authenticity of local traditions and culture can be an option for leisure and tourism experience for teachers. It is asked, can creative tourism as a driver of authenticity of local traditions and culture be an option for leisure and tourism experience for teachers? As a methodology we have qualitative research of a descriptive nature, in addition to quantitative research of the exploratory type, using the form of google forms, for data collection. The survey had a non-probabilistic sample and for convenience, it had 155 respondents. Respondents were exclusively teachers, from different educational levels and who travel.