Critical Success Factors in IT Outsourcing


The IT outsourcing proposal has been growing and becoming popular. There are advantages for contractors seeking to reduce their cost of IT infrastructure through delegation of IT resources to third parties. However, the responsibility for data continues to deserve careful attention because the information assets still belong to its owner, that is, customers of IT outsourcing services. However, issues such as quality of service, competence and capacity of the service provider in supplier as a stable and safe environment become crucial factors in this regard. The subject is deserving particular  attention in the academic environment by researchers concerned with the form of management of the relationship between IT provider and client.  This article discusses the importance of verifying some of the critical success factors involved in IT outsourcing. This study conducts a literature review, the concerns of researchers about what to look to obtain success in this type of service. These issues have been cataloged and arranged to guide customers and suppliers in an overall process of IT outsourcing. For this service to be successful, it is advisable to involve the audit at all stages of the relationship, in defining the contractual terms and also in checking compliance with the services provided.