Critical Thinking and Leadership in Industry 4.0 Environment


The text focuses on selected aspects of the critical thinking and leadership affecting the process of decision-making and taking action, and leadership of human systems in a modern corporate environment. In addition to the aspects of critical thinking related to the process of cognition and decision-making in the industrial environment 4.0. The aim of the research was to find out if there are any differences in selected personality aspects and aspects of critical thinking among managers and potential leaders. The results suggest that people who are accepted in terms of leadership are characterized by a higher level of cognitive variability, openness, and situational spontaneity. Situational and systemic competencies are manifested as foresight, openness, and calmness in complex and dynamically evolving situations of decision-making and action. They also have a higher degree of integrity of personality, independence and self-sufficiency, low co-operation requirements.