Customary Law regarding Environmental Protection: Case Study Conservation Management in Kampung Naga, Indonesia


Some environmental changes that occur may cause difficulties for us to survive well.  If not overcome, maybe it will have a big impact on our survival. Mostly of environment damage is due to human exploration for resources in order to fulfill the necessities of life. In fact, in the method of producing genetically modified foods will also have an impact on the environment. Also, less responsibility, some of us, such as lack of concern in managing waste also causes serious environmental damage. For example, some of the toxic waste that can damage ecosystems and destroy the environment. Pollution and environmental damage that is intentionally not we care about at the end we will get its impact. Culture is a product of human knowledge as a social creature, which knowledge is not obtained through genetic inheritance that exists in the human body, but is obtained through the position of humans as social beings which is an experience through the process of learning from interactions with their environment. In this paper, we aim to describe how Kampung Naga's community comply with customary law in protecting their environment. Community's participation in environmental protection is very crucial to achieve a sustainable environment.
