Customer Loyalty: State Vs Private Won Local Commercial Banks In Sri Lanka


Purpose of this study is to which commercial bank category is taking higher level of customer loyalty among State Commercial Banks (SCB) or Private own Commercial Banks (PCB) and what are the  antecedents  highly effected  to get reach that level of customer loyalty  in commercial banking sector. Methodology of the research is a questionnaire derived based on past literature and previous studies were completed by 200 bank retail customers in Sri Lanka. Descriptive statistics, student t. test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used assess the impact on customer loyalty. State commercial banks and private won commercial banks has same level of customer loyalty and all the factors that has been evaluated to measure impact to the customer loyalty has positive correlation with it.  This relationships and level of loyalty was analyzed based on one region of the country and with limited sample, therefore more studies are required before general conclusions. But this study reinforces and refines the body of knowledge relating to customer loyalty in commercial banking sector.