Customer Loyalty Strategies Using the Internet Used by Multinational Companies in Romania


Lately, marketing operators face problems when they contact customers whose behavior is becoming more sophisticated and whose needs and demands are becoming more difficult to satisfy.  To a large extent, these problems are due to the absence of powerful marketing systems that help them create effective marketing campaigns.  To be competitive in the information age, companies are forced to see put into practice as soon as possible marketing strategies. Speed is the key word that characterizes this new era. Marketing information systems automate marketing processes within firms and result in a work environment where collaboration and communication becomes dominant, it provides several tools that help marketers to manage their activities are involved.

New information technologies help operators to personalize marketing offers, to maintain contact with customers through new electronic media, becomes relational marketing, customer loyalty is the heart of advanced marketing strategies. Web marketing is rooted in traditional marketing, but differs from it in a very obvious due to unique features: interactivity. Internet, communication between a company and its customers is bidirectional and is not run only in one direction as if traditional marketing.
