Cyberloafing: The Influence of Organisational Climate and Personality Traits


Cyberloafing, or the use of Internet for non-work purposes during office hours, is a form of counterproductive workplace behaviour (CWB). Cyberloafing leads to unproductive organization and even lawsuit. Drawing on the CWB literature, this study theorises and examines the influence of between cyberloafing and personality and organisational variables. Agreeableness and conscientiousness are the two personality traits investigated. Organisational variables tested in the study are organisational justice, ethics environment and codes of computer usage. Responses from 393 Malaysian employees were gathered and analysed. Correlation analysis and multiple regression were used in the study. It was determined that cyberloafing could be predicted by age, gender, conscientiousness and organisational justice. This paper concludes by providing a discussion on organisational justice.