Cybersecurity of the State – Challenges and Hazards


reliminary conclusions from the analysis of literature concerning Polish standards (PKN) justify a statement that a document determining the rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities and their results is a normative document (PN-EN 45020, 2009). According to general terminology, it is a document adopted based on a consensus and approved by an authorised organisation unit. Wherein consensus means a general agreement characterised by a lack of durable objection of a major part of stakeholders against  significant issues, achieved through examination of the opinions of all stakeholders and approximation of contradicting approaches. However, it shall be emphasised that the term consensus does not necessarily mean unanimity. As a general rule, normative documents shall be based on the achievements of science, engineering and practice and are aimed to achieve optimum social benefits (Standarization knowledge). The documents include regulations, technical specifications, codes of conduct and standards. Moreover, they are aimed to facilitate the production of goods, provision of services, and management or interaction of systems.