Data and Information Quality Framework Development: Proposed for Indonesia Higher Education


The main objective of this research is to find solutions to improve the quality of data and information on higher education in Indonesia. The target is the availability of a structured and comprehensive Framework and strategy accompanied by manual book adoption and implementation, which is expected to encourage efforts to obtain quality data and information (accurate, complete, timely, and consistent) utilizing information technology in supporting governance good governance. In the long run, it is expected that all higher education institutions in Indonesia have an information system that is organized with valid and reliable data quality. This quality data and information is used for policy formulation, process clarity procedures, data cleansing approaches, adequate planning, and appropriate decision making, and management of higher education institution management at all levels and levels of management (institutions, faculties, departments and study programs) towards the realization of the national education industry in Indonesia. To achieve this goal, this study uses a mixed method approach, namely quantitative methods (National and national studies and surveys) and qualitative (case studies). Delphi studies were conducted over three rounds involving experts in data / information quality and higher education. National surveys are carried out using online questionnaires, while case studies are conducted with semi-structured interview techniques. Framework development is carried out by triangulation between Delpi findings data, studies and case studies. The research population is State and Private Universities (Universities, Institutions, Colleges, Academies) which are spread across all major islands in Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua).