Decisive Determinants in the Ownership of Consumer Durables: An Analysis


‘The Consumer, so it is said, is the king…each is a vote who uses his money as votes to get things done that he wants done’ (Samuelson, 2000). Envisioning Consumer Behaviour and trying to discern the consumer decision making, have and never will be simple. Erratic nature of consumer might result in the most unpredictable decisions during the last minute. The ‘Black Box Model’ is an outcome of such phenomenon where even the best of marketers are unable to predict what is deep in the mind of the consumer. The present study suggests the deciding variables (economic, socio-cultural and psychological), which are phenomenal towards explaining and predicting the major determinants in acquiring a consumer durable. The exploratory cum descriptive piece of research has been done on 400 consumers in Chandigarh, using cluster sampling method, to arrive at some consequence which might be of interest to a marketer. The study contributes in giving an understanding and a vision on how a consumer makes a decision. The data was analyzed using factor analysis in SPSS version 22.