Defining the Digital Mindset – A Concept for Sustainable Digital Transformation


Digital transformation challenges companies’ approach on generating value and provokes disruption implying new technologies and new ways of working. At the same time, environmental, social, and governance issues are becoming increasingly relevant for companies to focus on. For a successful digital transformation also incorporating the sustainability agenda, it is important to develop a Digital Mindset across all layers of the organization. The Digital Mindset accelerates to understand the power of technology and to speed up every form of interaction and supports pursuing the organization’s sustainability goals. In order to define the concept of the “Digital Mindset”, various attributes are identified and analyzed. Grouping them into clusters allows to determine five basic dimensions. They are: Personal Growth Orientation, Openness and Collaboration with Others, Progressive & Agile Work Methods Adoption, Technology and Data Emphasis and Customer Centricity. Based on these, a comprehensive definition of the Digital Mindset is presented in this paper. Furthermore, an approach for measuring the elements of the Digital Mindset in the organization is described and its potential for driving the organization’s sustainability agenda ahead is discussed.
