Delegation As The Time Management Tool In The Manager’s Work


 Nowadays, managers focus on shaping their subordinates.  In the course of the economic crisis, many companies have come to curb budgets for education. If an enterprise faces financial problems, it must restrict investing in things that do not bring immediate economic gain. But many companies and managers are also aware of the need to invest in subordinate development if they want to aspire to compete and gain competitive advantage.Therefore, most managers look at delegation as one of the most economical ways to develop subordinates. Their potential to contribute to business success is extraordinary and the manager's work is to gradually create space for them to expand their contribution to business success. Therefore, we look at effective delegation as a means of increasing the potential of our subordinates. Dealing with a delegated role improves their skills, improves their qualifications, gains experience and can also advance their career. The advantage of delegation is the motivation of subordinates by encouraging their creativity, autonomy, pride, endurance or self-realization. The role of each organization is to support and develop delegation in order to achieve better results in order to increase staff motivation and make working time more efficient. The role of managers is to guide the process of delegating tasks to subordinates and, according to experience, to remove potential barriers that may occur in the delegation process.