Designing the IT-Architecture of Mining Enterprises in View of Digital Transformation


A modern manufacturing enterprise is hardly imaginable without process automation – both core and management processes. The efficiency of an enterprise largely depends on the high-quality data processing within the single information space of the enterprise. The introduction of an integrated automated system for an industrial enterprise, coordinated with the business model, will create an effective enterprise management system and reduce future costs for the modernization and development. Actual trends in the digital transformation of industry reinforce the requirements for a complex model of a business management system, including the integrated information management system model as an integral part of it. The paper is aimed to create a model of the manufacturing enterprises architecture, including a comprehensive vision of business and technological processes, their IT support, information and production infrastructure of manufacturing enterprises. The model was developed based on the analysis of experience and the current practice of automating large industrial enterprises in Russia in such sectors as construction, mining, and engineering.