Determinants of Consumer Behavior on the Organic Food Market in the light of Selected Consumption Theories. The Results of the Research in the Regional Aspect on the Example of Poland


In the literature on the subject, there are many theories trying to explain the mechanism of consumer behavior on the market. Due to the scale of considerations, micro- and macroeconomic theories deserve attention. Understanding the conditions for purchasing food products is of key importance in the development of the organic food market. The main factors determining the choice of food can be distinguished: individual, economic, socio-cultural, psychological, as well as those related to food. The aim of this study is to identify the factors shaping the decision-making process in the organic food market. An important role in the process of purchasing organic food is attributed to demographic factors, lifestyles or related to the product itself. The latter refer to the appearance, taste, smell, availability, etc. The article contains the results of the survey conducted among respondents in the Lubuskie Voivodeship. They indicate that it is important to take into account in the consumer's perception not only the factors determining the purchase of food conditioning preferences, conduct and choices, but also the overall mechanisms affecting the behavior of the consumer.
