Determinants Of The Z Generation Entering The Labour Market From The Perspective Of Vocational Education Graduates


The article presents an analysis of the conditions of professional initiation characteristic of the youngest generation against the background of the results of empirical research of professional expectations of a representative group of students from the last grades of technical and business schools in one of the poviats of the Pomeranian voivodeship. It is a population that is characterized by high declarative mobility, a low degree of further improvement, but strives to emphasize the hallmarks of entrepreneurship in their professional attitudes, and above all they want to take a job that is supposed to meet – often unrealistic expectations associated with moving their interests to the work environment, their projection of attitudes raised from hobbies. The results analysed in the text show the basic conditions that employers will have to prepare for in the coming years, wanting to develop this youth cluster entering the labour market, performing simple but specialized work, and sometimes, as research by the Labour Market Barometer shows – quite niche. On this basis, the implications for current challenges of human capital management are presented. The article is based on the analysis of expectations related to entering the labour market of this group of young people. This provides the basis for formulating the main challenges in the next few years that the changes in the personnel function are to face in relation to this not fully appreciated professional group, which is nonetheless necessary for the smooth functioning of many organizations – performing simple work, but operationally necessary.