Determining the Discovery and Delivery Skills for the Romanian Employees – A Useful Method for Organisational Decision-Making


Referring (euphemistically) to Romania, the figures from the national reports which depict innovation are not particularly joyful – see Dumitrachi (2006), INS (2010), INS (2011), TBUI (2011), ANCS (2012), Radu (2012). In this paper, we discuss the situation of the knowledge flows as sources of innovating actions and make some recommendations for the improvement of decision-making in organisations nowadays. The focus is settled on the individual, who is seen as a thinking electron and the main innovating agent. We have chosen to analyse the profiles of the people involved in Romanian public administration and universities, as these are two of the three elements in the innovating propeller proposed by the Swedish Innovation Agency (Filip, Dragomirescu, 2006, p. 21), having an essential role in increasing the innovative level of a nation. Based on the analysis, we draw a series of conclusions and recommendations for the organisational decision-makers.