Developing a Conceptual Framework of Six sigma Critical Success Factors (CSF) in Software Development Companies with Reference to Technopark Trivandrum


Present day society has a higher demand for quality than the previous days. The increasing complexity of software products with greater competitive pressure to provide high quality software has become the biggest challenge of today’s software industry. In order to consider the application of Six Sigma in software companies on a company wide basis in the lines of full organizational involvement for achieving quality, the Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) of six sigma in Technopark companies has been identified through a systematic review of the conceptual and empirical literature and through discussions with the senior software managers. Data has been collected through a structured questionnaire survey from top level and middle level software developers and is validated. The paper explores that Six sigma is an integrated holistic approach with an assortment of interdependence among the critical success factors. Based on the interrelationships a conceptual framework of six sigma is proposed.