Development and Economic Structure Jayapura Papua


This research aims to: (1) determine the economic performance of Jayapura City or Cities and Towns in Papua viewed from economic growth aspect and the contribution of the local economy, (2) identify the potential sectors of economy in Jayapura City, (3 ) analyze the dominant sector in terms of the economy in Jayapura City. The data obtained from interviews staffs of Centre Bureau of Statistics (BPS) based on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the related documents. The analytical tool used was Typology Analysis of Klassen, Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share. The results of this study: the construction sector is included in the prime sector qualification in which this is caused by the growth rate of the construction sector Jayapura City larger than the building sector at provincial level in Papua. The potential sector qualificatios are: transportation and communication, agriculture, services, electricity, water and financial. The mining and quarrying sectors, trade and industry are the growing sector qualifications. The superior category are: agriculture, manufacturing, electricity and water supply, construction, trade, and transport and communications.