Development of Performance Assessment Instrument based on Contextual Teaching and Learning on Simple Harmonic Motion


This study aims to develop a valid and reliable performance assessment instrument based on contextual teaching and learning. The drafting phase was done at State University of Jakarta and MA Al-Aisyah, City of Bogor. This research method was a development research adapted from the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The initial stage in the implementation of this research is the collection of information was done by spreading the questionnaire to 30 high school teachers in Jabodetabek, Indonesia. This instrument of performance assessment were 40 items which assessed to students for validation, the result was 35 valid items and 5 invalid items. Then 35 items of instruments tested in large groups obtained 31 valid instrument items and 4 items of invalid instrument. Where the validity test using point biserial while reliability used KR20 and obtained the validity of r-count 0,709> r-table 0,361 which is valid and its reliability r-count 0,86> r-table 0,8 which stated reliable. So, the performance evaluation instrument based on contextual teaching and learning on simple harmonic motion  is 31 items which were suitable to be used.