Some of Developmental Methods used to Achieve rising Effectiveness of Corporate Leadership


This study sumarizes posible aproaches to leadership development. Part of the study solve which methods can be used to identify what should be develop. Second part of the study present solutions how to reach the desired results. When corporations apply mentioned development process, there are interesting findings, thanks to past researches. It is obvious that development procedures positively affected the performace of selected leader and concurrently performace of his followers. This study discuiss the results of past researches in the field of influence of development on leader character, responsibility, role-efficiancy and trust in subordinates etc. All the studies are showing noticeable improvement, which is related to better relations among workers, teams are better motivated and gets better working outputs, than the teams in organizations, that does not support development of its leaders. Better team performace, working outputs, motivated personal, that all are the single parts which contribute to the competitiveness of particular company. In conclusion it is undeniable, that every impuls that leads to enhancing competitiveness is hihly desirable, especially in current business enviroment.