Diagnostics of Human Capital in the Adaptive Development of Personnel in International Oil and Gas Companies


The paper explains that human capital is a determining factor and a prerequisite for enhancing the innovative capacity of companies and underlines that there is a need for constant monitoring of its status and diagnosing its development. The paper considers the problem of diagnosing the human capital as the foundation for a training system elaboration. It explains the importance of this activity for oil and gas companies. The authors propose a complex approach for diagnostic process of oil and gas companies' employees, taking into account their work content, increasingly difficult operating environment, as well as the impact of global oil and gas market factors, such as increased competition, integration and informatization. The presented approach to the diagnostics of human capital, applicable for the development of a training system in the international oil and gas companies, contains recommendations for its implementation. It is pointed out that this approach will improve the personnel training system of oil and gas companies, increase the level of labor productivity. It will have a beneficial impact on the performance indicators of enterprises, as well as on their competitiveness level in whole.