Digital Innovative Manufacturing basing on Formation of an Ecosystem of Services and Resources


The article examines development of digital models for industrial enterprises on the basis of formation of virtual twins (avatars) ecosystem using methods of industrial analytics (Big Data) allowing transformation of current processes with respect to criteria of value chains. Novelty of the approach proposed is in development of comprehensive theory and practical mechanisms of processes transformation at separate enterprises using advanced information technologies (processing of large volumes of information, fog computing, digital avatars, blockchain technology, etc.) that will provide fundamental change of business processes at enterprises and technologies of preparation and making of decisions. Cross-disciplinary character of research proposed determined application of new sources of reconsideration of scientific thought development, principles and mechanisms, and also way of economic growth at micro-, meso-, macro- and mega-levels of management. As a part of research, it is proposed to develop mechanisms of implementation and to support initiatives of pilot projects (testbet) for extending the concept of digital factory (plant) (smart factory, virtual factory) regarding interaction of technologies of digital design and modeling. Introduction of results of research proposed in management practice will facilitate general growth of economic and innovative activity of industrial enterprises, reduction of average duration of investment and innovative projects life cycles, and also improvement of their quality. Social significance of the project’s planned results involves obtaining accompanying social benefits of their practical introduction which, first of all, consist in projected improvement of living standards of Russia.