Digitization in Economic and Social Management (Case of Russia)


The term "information society" implies that a significant part of the society is involved in the production, storage, processing and sales of information and also of knowledge as the top form of information. Therefore, nowadays it is increasingly often that issues relating to the prospects for the development of the digital economy and affecting the interests of both economic entities and ordinary citizens are coming to the fore (Bodrunov, Plotnikov, Vertakova, 2017; Dmitrievich, 2015; Pashkus, Pashkus, Asadulaev, Bulina, 2015; Polyanin, Golovina, Avdeeva, Merkulov, Klevtsova, 2018; Tolstykh, Vertakova, Shkarupeta, Shishkin, Krivyakin, 2017; Vertakova, Plotnikov, 2017; Volkova, Loginova, Desyatirikova, Belousov, Chugunov, 2018; Yulia, Irina, 2015; et al.). Digital economy is developing at quite a steady pace, and there are expert opinions that the digitalization of the customary economic links and existing business models will lead to their complete reformatting. Fast and efficient processing of large data volumes is impossible without the use of digital technologies. Collecting, storing, proccessing, and transferring these large volumes of information has been made possible by the development of computer hardware and software, as well as telecommunications. Importantly, nowadays it is the state that serves as the main catalyst for practical application of advanced digital technologies. That is exactly the reason why the term "digital technologies" is most often associated with such concepts as innovation, research and development, improving the quality of life and data protection. The purpose of this work is to study the role and place of digital technologies in such areas as the economy and public administration.