Dilemma of Working Women and the Global Economy: Perspective on the towards Internal Knowledge Management


Many experts in human resource have argued that family-responsive policies and programs will be necessary to attract and retain needed employees and to build competitive advantages. This is important as the labor  markets in developing countries have  transformed relatively quickly in the sense that gender differential in employment and pay are narrowing much faster than they did in industrial countries, hence the involvement of women at workplace is unavoidable. Since Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences; thus the knowledge on the dilemma of dual career women will act as an internal strategy of knowledge management in educating human resource in the organization. Based on the data obtained from a number of studies carried out locally this paper will discuss the dilemma as a dual carrier women. Finally various strategies that can be implemented by organization as part of the internal knowledge management will put forth towards reducing  dual career conflict of  women at workplace.