Directions for Improving Socio-Psychological Climate in the Organization


In modern economic conditions, the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization is one of the key conditions for its effective functioning. The authors considered the content and structure of the socio-psychological climate of the organization. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of factors that determine the degree of favorable climate in the organization. Using a number of methods for assessing the socio-psychological climate, the authors assessed the interests of the employees of the organization, the emotional, cognitive and behavioral components of the team under study. The assessment made it possible to generally assess the socio-psychological climate as favorable and highlight individual negative manifestations in the work of the team, as well as the factors that determine this condition. The following recommendations are formulated in the article to improve the socio-psychological climate in the organization’s team, including the adjustment of the motivation and incentive system; effective allocation of responsibilities; work with a leader in informal groups; permanent diagnosis of existing relationships. Implementation of the proposed recommendations on the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate will allow the team to maintain an even more friendly and productive atmosphere.