Do We Need a Powerful E-Government?


Governments worldwide are faced with the challenge of transformation and the need to reinvent government systems in order to deliver efficient and cost effective services, information and knowledge through information and communication technologies. Development of Information and communication technologies catalyzed and led up to E-government. A trend towards reforming the public sector has emerged in many countries, primarily by the aspirations of citizens around the world, who are placing new demands on governments. The success of government leaders is increasingly being measured by the benefits they are creating for their constituents, namely, the private sector, citizens and communities. These ‘clients’ of government demand top performance and efficiency, proper accountability and public trust, and a renewed focus on delivering better service and results. The essence of knowledge management in this context is to provide strategies to get the right knowledge to the right people at the right time and in the right format. One of the important message of this paper is that there are huge disparities in the access and use of information technologies, and that these disparities are not likely to be removed in the near future unless a concerted action is taken at the national, regional and the international levels. In this context, the appropriate use of ICT plays a crucial role in advancing the goals of the public sector and in contributing towards an enabling environment for social and economic growth.