Drive And Barrier Factors Of Waste Segregation Behavior Using The Theory Of Planned Behavior: Case Study At Student Dormitory Canteen Of XYZ University


Waste segregation program was encouraged by XYZ University in order to maintain the predicate of a green campus. Hence, each of XYZ University stakeholder is obliged to segregate the waste before being transported to the Final Disposal Site. However, XYZ’s University Student Dormitory have not sort its waste out, even though students concentrate there because it is a gathering place for students. Amount of waste that was produced in student dormitory was huge considering its function as a student residence. Therefore, to succeed the XYZ University waste segregation program, it is important to know factor that functions as driver and barriers of waste segregation behavior for students who are living in the dormitory. The research took place at the dormitory canteen because it produces various types of waste and the amount was quite large. This research was a baseline study to develop an intervention plan that will be carried out to improve the waste segregation behavior in the dormitory canteen.