Drivers for Rural Development of Danube’s Delta Region


Agriculture plays an important role in the socio-economy of our country, Romania being a predominantly rural country. In a speeding society, in a galloping capitalism, in which natural resources are consumed at a faster rate than the regenerative power, simplicity, traditionalism, rural life and the countryside, the main provider of natural resources, must be developed sustainably, but especially preserved, as they represent our national identity. The paper presents a new approach of collecting information in order to identify the critical needs and key points in the coastal area, especially in the Danube Delta, in order to promote sustainable development strategies. This approach was based on a participatory process of collecting information by conducting participatory workshops involving a broad spectrum of stakeholders performing activities related to Danube Delta region development. An optimal balance between sustainability, competitiveness, efficiency and social cohesion can be enhanced by the settlement of sustainable bioeconomy value chains in rural areas of Danube Delta region. This can be achieved by promoting economic growth and employment while preserving the existing eco-systems by carefully projected integrated regional development.